These tragic murders followed the 8 stages of the Homicide Timeline

On 9th July 2024 Kyle Clifford murdered Carol, Hannah and Louise Hunt in their own home following the breakdown of his relationship with Louise 13 days earlier. His escalation following the breakup was described by police as 'unprecedented'.
Evidence from Clifford's trial suggests that his escalatory patterns of risk and threat followed the 8 stages of the Homicide Timeline. Stage 1 - History. Clifford had come to the attention of police as a juvenile for assault and theft and had a history of violence in pubs. A criminal history of any type is predictive of controlling patterns. In the Army he was described as someone who had 'no care nor concern beyond himself'. Clifford's world view was that he was superior to women and entitled to dominate them. His attitude towards women was demeaning and misogynistic evidenced by his interest in the content of toxic male influencers.
Stage 2 - Early Relationship. Louise met Clifford on a dating app and initially the relationship appeared happy and fast-moving. This was the love-bombing or grooming stage, with Clifford presenting a different persona to his true self. However, controlling patterns quickly emerged with Clifford forbidding Louise to wear make-up, dictating what she could wear and insisting she only went out socially in his company.
Stage 3 - Relationship. Clifford's controlling behaviours escalated with him frequently belittling Louise and behaving in a way that made her feel he was 'sucking the life out of me'. Clifford acted aggressively, and engaged in road rage incidents, designed to frighten others. Louise confided to a friend that Clifford had a 'nasty temper' when challenged or told 'no'. During the relationship Clifford pursued sexual relationships with at least two other women. Coercively controlling relationships are not about love, evidenced by controlling people often pursuing multiple relationships at the same time.
Stage 4 - Trigger. Louise ended the relationship on 25th June 2024 in a face to face meeting and confirmed her decision by text message on 26th June. Separation is globally acknowledged to be a high-risk time for victims. Stage 5 - Escalation. Clifford's response to the separation was to attempt to reconcile the relationship. Given his quick temper and the speed in which he escalated, it is likely that these efforts were hostile and very threatening, reflecting Clifford's sense of injustice.
Stage 6 - Change in thinking (homicidal ideation). Clifford visited dating sites on 26th June, the day of the break up with Louise. Two days later he purchased a 30m length of rope. This indicates he had decided very quickly the situation with Louise was now irreversible or irretrievable. From 26th June Clifford had already started linking the end of the relationship with thoughts of death when he wrote on his phone 'I don’t want to live my life without her. Nothing I can think of can make me happy.' Stage 7 - Planning. On 30th June Clifford undertook internet searches for crossbows. In the following days he purchased a 'murder kit' including a crossbow, 6 bolts and locking mechanism, a butcher's knife, duct tape and petrol cans. There was further evidence of extensive planning including checking John Hunt's movements on the day of the murder and Carol's Facebook page.
Stage 8 - Homicide. This can include people other than the primary victim, as in this case. When a controlling person escalates in this way they pose significant danger to anyone, especially those close to them. We send our deepest sympathies to John and Amy Hunt and their family and friends for the unimaginable loss of Carol, Hannah and Louise. Coercive control is a dangerous pattern and the highest risk marker for serious harm and homicide in intimate partner relationships. It is essential that public awareness of the dangerousness of coercive control is raised and the criminal justice system begins to respond more effectively to the threat and risk posed by controlling people.